Monday, November 5, 2012

The Road

Carl and I picked bobby up in Sf. I hadn't seen him since we went to school together more than a year before. Because we had a week or so of no obligations, the three of us drove south to San Diego for a few days, then onto Mexico for a few more days and then stopped in LA for a night on our way home to northern ca. 

After SF we went straight to the family place in rural San Diego county. Hikes and hot springs.


We drove into Mexico around 10:30 at night through San Diego and into Tijuana. Crazy things began to happen immediatly.

we decided to make it to Ensenada for the night. 

morning stretches

i guess it's pictures of the days and words for the nights- we went out a few times. to start, there were tacos posts all around that had the best tacos i had ever tasted, open super late.

we went into a bar with some karaoke that had all you can drink well shots for 8 bucks. i had no idea i knew so much spanish but i know what it takes to get it out of me (not karaoke).

everyone in the town was easy going.

we went out for another night to a club that a new friend of ours managed. I tried to dance but once the spanish started I fell asleep wherever i could.

sea food market

After Ensenada we headed to Tijuana for the day. Later we started for the boarder crossing. It took about 4 hours of stop and go traffic to get through the busiest land border crossing in the world. There was an entire industry built around selling to the drivers in line. We were flagged for additional screening but after a some wasted time and formalities we were off to LA.

painted mule to take a picture with


8 hours home.

Kauai, Hawaii

I can at least put some pictures up.

from last winter-

we all took a mountain hike across the ridge of the rainiest place on earth

wakeboarding up a river

the river meets the ocean just beyond the bridge

apparently large amounts escaped when a major storm wrecked island structures, including chicken farms. this was many chicken generations ago, and now they run wild everywhere. some people eat them. they catch them first and keep them in a pen long enough for the chickens to pass any toxins they may have acquired from eating island scraps. 

another day up the river

fern grotto near the mouth of the river.


 tea time

water falls