Sunday, June 27, 2010

Costa Rica

so, a wonderful friend from franklin invited me to come visit while she was at her place in costa rica where her parents and their friends were staying. my friend also brought another friend from franklin and one of her old friends from florida. everyone on the trip was a extremely nice to be around. it was short but absolutely incredible.

going out every night
zip lines through the rain forest
excursions through the rain forest
swimming in rivers
swimming in the ocean
horseback riding
live local music
dancing (yeah... i danced)
super fun times with friends

the first section of the pics are kinda random cause i downloaded them from my friends cameras


the plane i flew in on from the capitol city

slipped while getting into the pool

the horse slipped in mud and fell super fast and crushed my leg. but it was fine

my little regional flight from the international airport. super fun.

my peeps!

a minute before all the pay phones were full. i guess cells aren't that big there

the view from where we ate lunch

it had some shake to it

the leaf cutting ants were amazing to watch,

all the grassy areas are where the forest was slash and burned about 100 years ago

see the ocean?

where we stayed

there might be some more to add later but for now, thats all i've got on costa rica. more to come later from previous travels!