800 miles round trip
two tanks of gas
$385 in tow fees (blocking a driveway)
san francisco
san luis obispo (first show)
back to sf (second show)
couple of skate parks along the way. old friends, new friends. new sights, old sights.
i stayed with some friends in sf and with my cousin in monterey. driving from monterey to sf i took highway 1. its gorgeous coastline if you're not familiar.
i only stopped in berkeley for a short while. skated around and went to some record shops.
francoiz breut :)
the first show was at an art gallery in san luis. only about 35 people there. for some reason the shows weren't really advertised even though I think this was her first time in ca.
i also saw her perform once about two years ago in a tiny town in france.
a song of hers...
a clip of mine from the first show
my cousin going to monterey state
also, the train hopping video / pics are coming. i just havent had time to figure out the formatting to edit it, but i will soon.