Sunday, November 29, 2009

Taiwan, revisited (part 2)

the equivalent to our chewing tobacco, although i doubt this is quite as bad. some seed, wrapped in a leaf thats coated in some white chalky stuff.

i guess the seed and leaf are the filler, and the chalk stuff is what makes you feel warm.

it was gross

so many of these things. they make up most of traffic. at intersections the cars have to stop a ways back while all the vespa things come through the stopped cars and pile up at the front. its pretty funny standing at a busy four way intersection and seeing a few hundred of these things.


one of about three pieces if graffiti in the city

the best meal i had there. all vegetarian buffet, complete with fake chicken wings (the bone is actually a piece of wood) -also getting hand cramps from chop sticks was frustrating...

taipei 101

worlds tallest building until a few years ago

view from the other side of the city. you can see taipei 101 on the right. so this is where i went with my three taiwanese buddies. it was a tea house way up in the hills overlooking the city. it rained off and on which was rad. we ate, drank tea, and talked until around 2:30 am, then went out again to find more to do.


  1. i can def appreciate the star wars graffiti

  2. my old babysitter (in both senses of the word) used to chew on that leaf and chalky stuff.. i did not know what it was when i was young.
