Sunday, January 3, 2010

out of date update

basically, after i got back from vietnam i moved closer to my massage school and have been attending for about ten straight days. its super rad. its an advanced course so im learning how to cure all types of ailments, mostly headache / muscle strain type stuff.

there are only 3 other students (all international since the class is in english) but the room we work in is filled with mostly thai students. the theory part was interesting with a different teacher each of the three days, two doctors and one master massage lady (the class was pretty expensive by thai standards). the location is amazing, right next to wat phao (just look it up). at lunch i hang out with the students (france, japan, iran) or go to wat phao and watch kids play soccer. some morings i go to this outdoor group stretch thing inside the wat phao complex. its awesome.

in the evenings i'll hang out with some thai friends i've met, or some other people from my massage class, or just go exploring or skating. theres so much more to do in the next 9 days before i leave...

"there's hospital just across the river." was the reply to any hesitation in eating all the different herbs given to us to try.

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