Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hitchhiking on a Long Weekend

No school on thursday because of carnevale ( ) The celebration is held at different times in different cities throughout switzerland and in different styles.

i figured i'd stop by my step-aunts place (i met her once recently in thailand, but she and her husband live in olten- northern switzerland) and see what happens from there...

took a commuter train a few minutes out of town to get to the freeway. no on ramp so i walked a short way and found a rest stop where some guys gave me a lift to the next on ramp, from there it was about 30 minutes till an older lady picked me up and drove me to the next town. after that it was about ten minutes until this romanian guy gave me a ride. he insisted that he drove me all the way to my destination even though it was out of his way. super cool guy.

ended up finding the place without a problem and ate some legit thai food. turns out her husband likes cars... this one was his most recent design for his private collection...
i think its worth is around 5 million euros.

checked out the town...


covered wooden bridge

painted buildings- very swiss


frozen by morning

more remnants

after olten my step-aunt gave me a ride to another town where there is the largest thai temple in europe. the community there was amazing. such nice people. i spent a few days and a night there- hanging out with all the people coming through, practicing speaking thai, helping cook, reading, joining the monks in their practices of chants and meditation... one of the monks used to teach thai massage in england years ago and when he heard i had studied it recently in thailand he asked if i could help him with a joint problem, so it was cool that i could actually put my studies to good use and be helpful.

i dobt think there are many thai temples with snow on them...
spot it?

After the temple i hitchhiked to Luzern ( a little less than half way home). one ride from a old couple and one from a middle aged lady. didnt wait more than 15 minutes for either...

took this more to show the couples music taste

the carnivale costumes where incredible. a lot of themed designs that a whole group took up. mostly the groups made up a music group coming from an outside town to play for the celebration.

there werent too many kids during the day and none at night.

this stair way is at the center of town, so all the music groups (tons) played here at some point. music all day and most of the night. each took their turn and people danced or sang along below.

each music group puts their flag in this tree every year to represent their group and town.

so, i wanted to stay for the night but didnt know anyone, and i was too cold to stay out all night, so i decided to hitchhike back. it was dark, i was cold, it was a bad spot for anyone to stop, and nobody was.

until randomly a girl (annette) walked by and offered me a ride to a gas station that would be better to leave from. we got to talking and when i told her i had wanted to stay in luzern she said i could stay with her at her parents (she studied in Bern but was there for the weekend) SO, within 10 minutes i was welcomed like an old friend into this extremely kind families home and was sitting down with them all to a home cooked swiss dinner and some wine. everyone spoke english and the food was amazing (i even ate meat after they told me about where it came from and how farming is done in switzerland- which is a whole other post...)

part of luzern

there were really interesting drinks being served all over. a lot of the music groups had a their own decorated booth where they served drinks for a donation. some of the drinks were even specific to the Luzern Carnivale celebration. hot berry tea with some kind of liquor, hot wine, i ate the best doughnut i've ever tasted- glazed with chocolate and vanilla with a baileys irish cream whipped filling.

we were rushed in our costume design...


Annette and her mom.

The next day i took my time leaving and got a ride back to Lugano from a couple my age. they dont live far from my school and invited me out with them so i could meet some locals...

good trip

1 comment:

  1. Wow Scott that was so cool to see all those great pics and to read your stories. So envious of you.
