Sunday, March 28, 2010

Last of the Bangkok batch

Still had some pics from thailand lying around...

Khao San Rd. - party street. lots of backpackers

advanced graduate students for the english speaking class. california, iran, japan, france, and one of our thai instructors.

crossed the river on my lunch break to check out a super tall temple

i wanted to get some pictures of daily sights...

extremely common fresh fruit stands

just about every street has a few of these- hole in the wall super mini, super crammed shops

this how a ton of "street restaurants" look and work. one little stand with two or so people running it. little plastic chairs and mini tables with a very limited menu. most of the time each little stand serves one type of food. soup, pad thai, etc... you can get a good meal for about one dollar.

more food stands. i heard something about all these people running the food stands pay up to someone. whether its some kind of low key mafia people or the landlords of the building they are in front of i dont know, it probably depends.

dried sea food. smells awesome when walking by..................................

massage school

democracy monument

this is at the peak of a mini mountain in the city, its incredible

a model of the place

the paths wrapping the mountain are lined with these bells. good luck of some sort i would imagine...

Bangkok International Airport

commuter boats that go through the city. originally these water ways were build around the city to protect it from invasion but now its full of boats carrying people. anyway, when it goes under low bridges they lower the ceiling. i've definitely been tagged in the head a few times when i wasnt paying attention.

on my way to class. the river floods sometimes...

ok. thats it for thailand. i still have hundreds of pictures to put up from africa. a lot from switzerland too... stay tuned.

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