Saturday, April 3, 2010

Group Shots

So. Since i've got hundreds of pictures and videos from Namibia i'm going to have to break it up a little. first and easiest will be group shots / students and photos people have sent me.

i'll add the stories that go with them when i put up the photos for that section. there's a lot to come...

we had a few long bus rides

kids everywhere loved us


stay in the shade, stay in the shade.

getting rowdy on the bus

our guides got a kick out of all the things we did

one of two trucks

mixed drink in jug getting passed around

safari style. looking for cheetahs. our professor in the front

resort pool

train station on the way to the airport in germany (we were rerouted from our bus due to snow)

there were pools at lot of our campsites

last night out

at the airport

himba tribe

so basically i had our professor going for about three days in a row with a piece of grass. for a long time he thought it was a bug, then his glasses strap that was tickling him, then his hair, after that i dont know what he was thinking. but he never turned around. im pretty sure he wont read this blog either... im trying to get at least a B.

my first (and probably last) participation in a human pyramid.

hey, you got a kid on your shoulders.

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